



地址 for 最可靠的体育投注收入分配:

俄克拉荷马城,OK 73112



俄克拉荷马城,OK 73112



俄克拉荷马城,OK 73112



最可靠的体育投注咨询公司. acts as agent to distribute revenues on behalf of several oil and gas producers. Owner inquiries are routed through three separate owner relations channels:

  • 最可靠的体育投注收入分配
  • 马赫收入分配
  • Cutbow操作

来决定你应该最可靠的体育投注谁, 请参考您的支票细节或其他由最可靠的体育投注提供的所有权文件.

  • 如果你是一个马赫的主人, 最可靠的体育投注提供的所有者号码是一个以“H”开头的6个字符的字母数字标识符.”
  • 如果你是最可靠的体育投注的老板, 提供的所有者号码是一个以“M”开头的6个字符的字母数字标识符.”
  • 如果你是弯弓的拥有者, your owner number is a 6-character alpha-numeric identifier beginning with “C.”
  • 如果您找不到您的所有者号码, or you have yet to be assigned an owner number, and you know the name(s) of the property(s) on which you have questions, please consult the property lists to determine which associate you should contact.


1. My checks used to come from Alta Mesa, but now they come from 最可靠的体育投注. 为什么?

最可靠的体育投注现在负责分配Mach 资源负责分配的物业收入. 如果你收到了最可靠的体育投注的款项,而这些款项曾经是由阿尔塔梅萨或欣克尔石油公司汇来的 & 气体, 您拥有矿产权益的一个或多个财产由马赫资源负责分配. 您可能仍然拥有由Alta Mesa和/或其后继者分配的矿产权益.

2. My checks used to come from DCP, but now they come from 最可靠的体育投注. 为什么?

最可靠的体育投注现在负责分配各种运营商负责分销的物业收入. 如果你从最可靠的体育投注收到了曾经由DCP汇款的款项, 您拥有矿产权益的一处或多处地产由石油和天然气生产商负责,该生产商已将其收入分配外包给本公司. You may still have mineral interests being distributed by DCP and/or its successor.

3. 什么是版税??

特许权使用费代表出租人在石油、天然气和矿产租赁下保留的权益. 一般, 这些利息是根据从租约中开采的矿物的一定百分比的价值来支付的.

4. 我如何计算我的版税权益?

净英亩/单位英亩x租赁特许权使用费. 例如:10/640 × 0.125 = 0.001953125. 但是,您必须咨询您的具体租约和/或法律建议,以进行具体计算.

5. 什么是除法顺序?

分割订单是代表权益所有人签署的向买方核实的文件, 操作符, 或一口或几口井的出让方拥有的生产的十进制权益. It also provides the owner’s remittance address and taxpayer identification number, 可能还有其他信息.

6. I have received a Division Order from 最可靠的体育投注. 接下来我该做什么?

在与您的法律顾问协商后,签署并返回文件,以确保以下内容, 和其他, 信息正确.

  1. The accurate decimal interest for your ownership
  2. 你名字的正确拼写
  3. 您目前的通讯地址
  4. Where you want your revenue sent, if different than your mailing address
  5. 您的纳税人识别号码

7. What is the difference between a royalty owner and a working interest owner?

一般, 特许权使用费所有者分享生产收入,工作权益所有者分享生产收入、开发和运营费用.

8. 我的税号是什么?

Your Tax ID is either the Social Security Number (SSN), 雇主识别号码(EIN), 或接收特许权使用费的个人/实体的纳税人识别号码(TIN),必须存档以供识别和IRS报告要求. 如果你的税号没有存档, 美国国税局要求最可靠的体育投注代扣所有付款和收入的24%,并将其汇给美国国税局,直到提供税务ID.


业主信息 & 变化

1. 我怎样更改邮寄地址?

请填写一张 地址更新表格 and send it to the appropriate address listed on this page.

2. How do I add my husband/wife to my account?

咨询你的法律顾问, 但总的来说, 提供一份转让文件的副本,证明该文件建立了联合租赁/所有权,并已在矿产所在的县和州进行了记录,并在本页列出了相应的地址.

3. 如登记的业权人因出售或转让权益或死亡而更改业权,应怎样申报?

请参阅“所有权变更所需文件”文件. 在与您的法律顾问讨论后, 转发所有必要的文件, 您的最可靠的体育投注, 并将当前业主信息(业主姓名和业主号码)发送到本页所列的相应地址.

4. How do I change my social security number or tax ID number on file?

After consulting with your legal or accounting advisor, please fill out 美国国税局W-9表 and forward it to the appropriate address listed on this page.



1. What should I do if my check is lost, stolen, or becomes stale-dated?

最可靠的体育投注 最可靠的体育投注 owner relations at the appropriate address listed on this page. 请提供您的姓名和所有者号码,支票号码和付款金额(如果知道).

2. Is direct deposit available for royalty payments?

Direct deposit is now available to all interest owners. To opt-in to direct deposit, please fill out a Direct 存款申请表格 and return it to the appropriate address listed on this page.

3. 我为什么要办理直接存款?

直接存款有很多好处, including no postal delays of your check; no unnecessary trips to the bank; no lost, 损坏的, or stolen checks; and, revenues deposited in your bank account even if you are traveling.

4. How do I update my direct deposit information?

请填写一张 直接存款申请表格 and return it to the appropriate address listed on this page. 加快处理, and to minimize the margin for error by depositing to the old account, 请在您的直接存款表格上注明您所提供的资料是为了取代旧的直接存款资料,并写上“已修订”.

5. Where can I find my royalty payment check detail?

您的支票细节要么包含在纸质支票中,要么直接通过电子邮件发送到您提供的电子邮件地址. If you have misplaced your detail or need another copy, please email the appropriate address listed on this page. We will provide a copy of the detail via email.

6. 什么时候分配收入??

  1. Timing of initial payments will vary depending on many factors. 我们总是试图根据每个州或司法管辖区的法定要求,尽快开始支付生产收益. It can take up to six months from first sales on a well before you receive a check. 如果我们被告知产权纠纷或不利索赔影响您的利益,该时间框架可能会更长, which must be resolved prior to disbursement of revenue.
  2. If your revenue check is for a property operated by Mach 资源, distributions from 最可靠的体育投注 will be between the 28th & 每月31日.
  3. If your revenue check is for a property that is not operated by Mach 资源, distributions from 最可靠的体育投注 will be on or around the 5th of each month.

7. How long does it take for me to receive my payment?

Direct deposits should post to your bank account within three business days. Paper checks are sent via USPS standard mail.

8. 为什么我的付款金额会改变?

日常维护、机械或操作方面的问题可能会暂时影响生产. Changing market conditions can also cause price or volume fluctuations.

9. What kind of taxes are deducted from my check?

通常扣缴的税款是州遣散税或可能需要的州预扣税. 具体的扣缴税款将取决于具体的语言在您的租赁或其他协议. If a Taxpayer Identification Number is not provided, we are required to withhold Federal taxes as mandated by the IRS.

10. 我的支票有哪些扣除项目?

Depending on the specific language in your lease or other agreement, the deductions might be related to transportation, 压缩或收集电荷, 以及其他与将您的石油和/或天然气运输到销售点有关的第三方费用.

11. What is Federal Backup Withholding and why is it deducted from my check?

We are required by the IRS to withhold 24% of all revenue payments to U.S. 纳税人身份证号码(或社会安全号码)丢失或无效的. 所提供的号码必须与IRS记录中显示的付款姓名相符. 这些信息需要通过提交IRS W-9表格以书面形式提供给我们. 所有 backup withholding is reported on your 1099 at year-end, and it is considered a payment to the IRS on your behalf. 最可靠的体育投注 does not issue refunds for backup withholding. 请向您的税务顾问咨询如何在年底申报所得税预扣税.

12. What is Oklahoma Backup Withholding and why is it deducted from my check?

For wells located in the state of Oklahoma, we are required by law to withhold income tax for non-Oklahoma residents. 请向您的税务顾问咨询如何在年底申报所得税预扣税.

13. What are some reasons why I have not received my check?

Revenues are remitted to you once your revenue balance exceeds $ 100, or the amount you indicated on your Division Order. 任何超过$10但低于您的最低分配金额的余额将每年支付. 偶尔, 付款因索赔而被扣留, 或者改成, 所有权,如死亡通知, 更改地址, 财产转让, 转让权益或法律纠纷. 当影响所有权的事项得到解决时,应付款项将累积并释放.



1. 我会收到1099税表吗?

The minimum amounts for which 1099s are issued are:

  1. 第1栏(租金)- $600
  2. 方框2(版税)- $10
  3. Box 7 (Non-Employee Compensation/Gross Working Interest) - $600

2. 我什么时候能拿到我的1099证?

The IRS requires 1099’s to be mailed no later than January 31st.

3. 我怎样才能收到另一份我的1099复本?


4. 1099上的值是多少?


  1. 栏1:(租金)租赁奖金、通行权、关停特许权使用费和水费.
  2. Box 2: (Royalties) Gross payments made on production
  3. Box 7: There are two types of monies that can be reflected here:
    (2) Non-Employee Compensation: Payments made to contractors

5. 为什么 does the amount in Box 2 and Box 7 on my 1099 not equal to what I deposited?

The IRS requires gross amounts be reported in Box 2 and Box 7. Your periodic disbursements are net of deductions and taxes. If you deduct the taxes and deductions from the amount reported in Box 2 or Box 7, the calculated figure should equal your deposits.